Black Butte Ranch Paint Competition

First thing i notice when i walk up was, “Wow these people are way older than me” and “Holy crap they’re really good!”

What exactly am I talking about? I entered a live painting competition, and yesterday was the day we competed. Mostly I was doing it for the exposure and the fun, but yeah, I’m competitive, so signing up for this was a no-brainer. It was hosted at Black Butte Ranch near Sisters, Oregon. The artists were a group called the Plein Air Painters of Oregon, which I recently joined.

We each came with a blank canvas and had roughly three hours to start and finish (including frame) our painting. Any size canvas, and anywhere on the ranch. Pretty much a free for all. You know your own limits…

I was debating about sizing, because i don’t normally time myself painting. I eventually decided on a 9x12, figuring that’s the biggest canvas I could comfortably do in 3 hours. My medium is watercolor; It’s what I’m used to and I’ve done Plein Air watercolors enough to be used to how it acts outside.

Live watercolor painting in Oregon at black butte lodge ranch

This is the size I picked! Only used about half of my paper.

The scene was beautiful, and I was blown away! It was cool to see so many other artists painting a similar scene (but each with their own unique touch). There was about 20 other artists. I only saw 2 other watercolor artists…I also saw oils, acrylics and pastels.

Nearing the deadline…

My husband and some friends came to watch and support, and a bunch of people who lived on the property came and talked with me, which was fun. Some people were worried that they would distract me, but i told them I need the practice to paint and talk at the same time, since I’m getting into Live Wedding Painting. Lol

The painting went very smoothly! I was happy with how it was turning out the entire time!

Plein air painting at black butte lodge live wedding painting sisters Oregon

At 5 o’clock, with one hour to go, I had a few minutes of panic wondering if i wouldn’t finish in time, but honestly I had nothing to worry about…it was a breeze to finish in time. My hubby and I ran to our vehicle, i quickly framed the finished painting, and ran back to display it for the voting.

Here’s me with my framed painting…

…and I won nothing!

So as you see right up there, me by my framed painting, I didn’t win anything. :( I was a little disappointed, but honestly there was so much talent there…I’ll just have to do better next time! I had a lot of fun and it was gorgeous…no complaints there!

We even went on a camping trip for the weekend by the beautiful mountains. So I’ll say that was a win!

Here’s a couple more photos from the day! Comment if you have questions and thanks so much for reading!!

byeeeeeee 🫶🏼🫶🏾🫶🏿


Styled Shoot in Portland


Plein Air Watercolor